Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The most important decision of your life

All you have to do is to say "YES I accept" to the offer of the FREE gift of salvation, from the God that created you so that you can be reconciled back to Him (as your sins are presently separating you from Him) and have HIS perfect guidance, protection and provision ALL through the rest of your life here in this physical realm and also gain access to be with Him in heaven which is of spiritual realm.

Why does God need you to say yes voluntarily? Because 
1. He gave you your free will, which even He CANNOT and WILL NOT violate and 
2. He deals with His creation (including YOU) on His own terms, after all He is your creator and His property.

I prayed each one who sees this post and doesn't have a restored relationship with the God that created him/her will be convicted of most essential need for God and come to know Him.

What will you choose? Eternal life or death?
Will you pray to receive Christ and His gift of abundant and eternal life?

For ALL [includes BOTH YOU and ME ] have SINNED (Romans 3:23)
What is SIN?  Simply put.. it is a VIOLATION (knowingly or UN-KNOWINGLY) of ANY of the God's COMMANDMENTS, even just ONCE in a LIFE TIME
Say, When YOU or ME LIE even ONCE in our ENTIRE LIFE (so far). We are a SINNER.

(From Pray this – just speak it to your Creator in with ALL your heart and mind – out loud too if you wish :

“Dear God my creator
I know that because of my sin I need Your forgiveness
I believe that You died on the cross for my sins
I believe You rose again so I could live with You. 
I want to stop living for myself and start living for You. 
I want Your peace in my life
I want forgiveness for my sins
Please come into my heart and change my life
I want to live with You forever
I want You to be my Lord and Savior
In Yeshua’s name. Amen.”

If you are wondering about the meaning and origin of the name Yeshua (Jesus) ..

Yeshua (Jesus) \j(e)-sus\ as a boy's name is pronounced JEE-zus, hay-SOOS. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jesus is "the Lord is salvation". Short form of Joshua, from the Hebrew name Jehoshua

So the ultimate quest of YOU and ever other person in this world is that seemingly elusive salvation  بخشش or الإنقاذ or पापों से मुक्ति or salvación or salut or Rettung is Jesus.

For more information, see also the related name Emmanuel.


  1. i read ur post ur and its encourage me ,was very low for few weaks after coming in united states .missing family siblings .worried aout job etc .
    being an indian i feel proud on u sir

  2. Good to know that you were encouraged my brother. God Bless you.
